Intestinal Parasites Can Become Life Threatening with Morgellons Disease 5/16/2024

Intestinal parasites – pin worms, round worms, flat worms, hook worms, and so on also known as nematodes and also known as helmiths often live in our bodies and are dormant. Then along comes Morgellons and all hell breaks loose. 
Sometime ago, I happened upon this video, by Dr. Holly Lucile ND, and had to share it. Click here to watch the video.
And more recently, this video, How to Fully Treat Parasites by Dr. Thomas Lodi

The big problem is that nematodes are not limited to your intestines. They can be throughout your body and contribute to arthritic like pains and inflammation. This substantiates many having told me that they feel a crawling movement in their neck, chest, and so on. I’ve felt this in one of my ears when I lay on my pillow at night and also I was feeling a worming feeling around my anus.

Dr Lucile estimates nine out of ten people have internal parasites. Dr. Jay Davidson, parasitologist of NJ claims that if you have a heart beat, you have parasites. He also claims many are diagnosed with cancerous tumors that are actually an accumulation of worms. 

You can get infected by walking barefoot outside, consuming foods, in swimming pools, drinking tap water, and so on; and they can lie dormant in your body for years causing no problems or they can be causing problems typically not associated with intestinal parasites. One thing for certain, once you become infected with Morgellons, it’s highly likely they become a major issue which is why I follow Dr. Davidson’s advice it to first deal with them. 

It’s important to differentiate internal parasites that she’s speaking of verses Morgellons and Collembola which can also be systemic (internal). There are no similarities among nematodes and Morgellons or Collembola.

Question: When was the last time your doctor had you take a stool sample for seven days straight? Never, right? But that’s what would be needed to diagnose many parasites. In fact, your stool has to be analyzed within 20 minutes to identify Strongyloides which is why the IG blood test is better to use. So, as you know, modern medicine completely ignores intestinal parasites which can move to anyplace in your body and take up residence.

The highlights of the Dr Lucile’s video are:

Intestinal parasites can penetrate the intestinal wall causing leaky gut allowing toxins, Candida, and intestinal parasites to get into your blood stream and travel through out your body to:
►ruin eye sight
►destroy immune system
►memory and focus
►can be life threatening

Tell tale signs:
►Boated belly and abdomen.
►stinky stools.
►diarrhea / constipation.

Easy to be infected with them from:
►drinking water containing giardia  
►meat, fish (sushi) and pork have different nematodes and tape worms.
►dogs and cats.
►even touching infected door knobs and so on.
►walking bare foot in grass or in a mud puddle.
►swimming pools even if they are chlorinated.

They break through intestinal walls causing leaky gut that can cause:
►weight gain
►diarrhea/constipation because parasites upset sodium chloride balance
►parasites can travel anywhere and settle in joints and muscles
►swelling and inflammation
►arthritic-like symptoms
►allergies because of leaky gut letting toxins into blood stream resulting in auto immune reaction and inflammation.
►get under skin and cause rashes that don’t go away
►wear down immune functioning so you catch colds, flu, and viruses
►rob you of nutrients – fats, proteins carbs that your body needs.
►can make you crave carbs and make you moody
►release toxins that destroy parts of your brain resulting in anxiety, depression, anger. Kennedy Jr made the big news with a dead worm found that ate part of his brain. 

This video by Dr. Lucile is a must see video for every one. Click here to watch it. Caution: She is promoting an herbal package to cleanse the parasites from your body and I was excited to see if her herbal approach would be of use to us, BUT it’s not. Her herbal cocktail is based on both wormwood and black walnut hull, both of which are used in many other cleanses but are a problem for us because they feed Collembola.

Remember, I noted that there is no similarity between intestinal parasites and Morgellons or Collembola. So, unfortunately, there’s no herbal fix for intestinal parasites that we know of now, but we still have them covered with our protocol.
1. Consume food grade diatomaceous earth.
2. Ivermectin and Fenbendazole — see details below.
3. Garcillin – also an anti parasitic.
4. Herbal Gut Restore Formula to repair leaky gut and restore healthy gut biome. 

From Dr. Thomas Lodi’s video, it seems that the most effective approach is to start with two 12 mg capsules of Ivermectin for once a week with food for two weeks and then switch to fen ben for 8 months. 

If tape worms are suspected, then praziquantel is used. The people at will be adding this med to their offerings. 

So, what can we do to restore gut biome and repair leaky gut?
That’s where our herbal formula – Nature’s Gift® Herbal Gut Restore Formula shines – #4 abov

Check out the ingredients. L-glutamine, N acetyl D glucosmine, Magnesium from magnesium Beta-hydroxybuterate, Grape seed extract, Cinnamon bark powder, Cloves, Black pepper (piper nigrum) fruit powder, Grapefruit seed extract, Marshmellow root powder, Pepzin, Berberine, Triphala, and Slippery Elm 

L-glutamine is a natural high quality sugar that feeds the mucosa to strengthen them and close the gaps through which toxins, wormy parasites, candida and so on are leaked into the blood stream 
Nature’s Gift® Herbal Gut Restore Formula –
a powerful blend of herbs and supplements to repair the gut and build gut biomeInstructions: Take one capsule 30 to 60  minutes before your first meal of the day.
For the first week
Take one additional capsule 30 to 60 minutes before going to bed at night.
After the first week, go to 2 capsules 30 to 60 minutes before going to bed at night.

Click here to order or call in to 732-531-1178 to save 10% on the price listed in the store.

But the message is clear. The first place to start is with the gut. Until the gut biome is healthy, it’s unlikely your kidneys, liver, brain, skin and so on are going to improve.

Next is to take several steps pretty much at the same time. Note, I hope you are already on one of our Pack of Life supplements.
Pack of Life with MaxOne or the patch
Pack of Life with NAC
f either pack is unaffordable right now, focus on obtaining the following:
 Agro Relief digestive enzymes
► Our Gut Restore Herbal Formula
Author: Richard Kuhns, author of “Get Your Life Back from Morgellons and Other Skin Parasites.”


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