Do You Know Your Toothpaste Can Make Morgellons Worse? 5/15/2024

Let me first say that a very high percentage of Morgellons sufferers have mouth, teeth, and gum issues that are often serious so it makes sense to avoid contributing to the problem, right?
If the following warning were in large letters and very predominate on a tube of Crest or Colgate toothpaste, would you buy it?

“Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age.

If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away” (U.S. F.D.A.”

I think you’d think twice and maybe look for an alternative before putting it in your shopping basket. 

You will find the warning on any toothpaste containing fluoride. That’s right, toothpaste and most widely available commercial toothpastes contain it. It is dangerous to swallow even if you are not a child.

Bing says, “While fluoride has benefits for protecting tooth health, excessive ingestion can pose risks, including dental fluorosis (permanent tooth discoloration), stomach ailments, acute toxicity, skin rashes, and impairment in glucose metabolism,”

Can your toothpaste keep the Morgellons diet from working? 
I have to admit, I haven’t read a toothpaste label ever until I initially wrote this article. My shoes fell off when I read the “Other Ingredients” – glycerin and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)and some other stuff. 

Holy crap! glycerin! My first thought would be that, “Ok, if you spit out the toothpaste, you should be OK.” I thought the same would be true for our Nano Glutathione which has orange oil in it. But, that didn’t turn out to be true. So, we need to add toothpaste with glycerin to the do not consume or use list on the Morgellons diet.

But, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) that’s a chemical found in laundry detergents. Holy poopies, excuse my language. Why in the hell would anyone in his right mind want this chemical in his mouth?

And, check this out. Here’s another chemical listed in Crest 3D white is Hexametaphosphate. In a study reported in pubmed, “Final report on the safety assessment of Sodium Metaphosphate, Sodium Trimetaphosphate, and Sodium Hexametaphosphate,” they found that rats “fed 10% Sodium Hexametaphosphate had pale and swollen kidneys. In chronic studies using animals, growth inhibition, increased kidney weights (with calcium deposition and desquamation), bone decalcification, parathyroid hypertrophy and hyperplasia, inorganic phosphaturia, hepatic focal necrosis, and muscle fiber size alterations. Sodium Hexametaphosphate was a severe skin irritant in rabbits, whereas a 0.2% solution was only mildly irritating. A similar pattern was seen with ocular toxicity. These ingredients were not genotoxic in bacterial systems nor were they carcinogenic in rats.” 

Well, why do they put this stuff in toothpaste?

Is this all I have to say about toothpaste with fluoride? I’m just getting started. First, fluoride is a toxin and would simply feed Lyme disease as Lyme disease loves toxicity.

This article popped into my inbox recently, Will the EPA be compelled by a federal court to end the dangerous fluoridation of drinking water? Well, I hope none of you are drinking tap water with or without fluoride anyway. While the article was hopeful, the EPA recently tabled making revisions to stop allowing fluoride to drinking water — seems they have more important things to work on.   

Several health activists groups are suing claiming, Substantial evidence links elevated fluoride levels with neurological effects, especially lower IQ. Fluoride also accumulates in the body, including in the pineal gland, other endocrine organs and the skeletal system. Continued exposure is known to disrupt calcium and vitamin D metabolism and contributes to calcificationin tissues and blood vessels. A National Research Council (NRC) report from 2006 concluded that the EPA’s standard for fluoride in drinking water is unsafe and should be lowered. The report highlighted damage that can be done to the teeth, bones, brain, endocrine system, thyroid, and pineal gland—all from drinking fluoride. In 2014, fluoride was added to the list of chemicals “known to cause developmental neurotoxicity in human beings” in a review published by Lancet Neurology; only 12 chemicals are on this list.

Kind of strange that the claim states, “damage done to teeth,” and yet most toothpastes contain it.

I remember in one of my previous blog posts research was sited that found fluoride in the body invites aluminum which can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.

What does all this have to do with Morgellons?
1. many toothpastes contain glycerin which can keep the diet from working.
2. fluoride in the body can contribute to intercellular toxicity only to strengthen co-factors such as Lyme disease.

What can you do about this?
1. Read the label on your tooth paste and if it contains fluoride, glycerin, or SLS ditch it.
2. Find a toothpaste that contains none of those ingredients
3. Use plain old baking soda to brush your teeth
4. Check out our Phone in Give-Away and get our Nature’s Gift Sweet Water Toothpaste for free and use it forever. It’s:
► Long lasting
► Comes in a convenient to use jar instead of a useless tube
► Deep cleans your teeth and mouth
► Makes water taste so so sweet encouraging hydration
► Contains clove and peppermint essential oils


But the message is clear. The first place to start is with the gut. Until the gut biome is healthy, it’s unlikely your kidneys, liver, brain, skin and so on are going to improve.

Next is to take several steps pretty much at the same time. Note, I hope you are already on one of our Pack of Life supplements.
Pack of Life with MaxOne or the patch
Pack of Life with NAC
f either pack is unaffordable right now, focus on obtaining the following:
 Agro Relief digestive enzymes
► Our Gut Restore Herbal Formula
Author: Richard Kuhns, author of “Get Your Life Back from Morgellons and Other Skin Parasites.”


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