Relieving Constipation while Getting Your Life Back from Morgellons Disease.

Description: Ways to relive constipation while beating Morgellons Syndrome

A problem that often is reported is constipation and it’s often not just because of the King Diet, but many suffer from constipation even before they start the King Diet aka Morgellons Diet. Actually, the King Diet, because it has many vegetables meaning its high fiber content can help with alleviation of constipation.

The problem though is that because the King Diet is very strict, things to relieve constipation that you may have depended upon in the past such as Flax seeds, Colace, and other stool softners have  ingredients such as Peg-400, gelatin, propylene glycol, glycerin, and sorbitol are on the Do Not Consume list of the King Diet. So, what other options are there? 

► Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Internally may significantly help with constipation Read blog post, “Diatomaceous Earth to Fight Morgellons Disease 7/26/2020.” You can also add a teaspoon of baking soda to help alkalize your body along with the DE.  Robin, my Sunday cohost, shared that she mixes a teaspoon of baking soda with a teaspoon of food grade diatomaceous earth in a glass of water on an empty stomach twice a day. And then, after a few days she went up to two teaspoons twice a day on an empty stomach. Then, about a week later, she increased to one tablespoon (three teaspoons) twice a day for several days. Then she would stop for a week after which time, she continued with one teaspoon twice a day on an empty stomach as maintenance. If you are concerned about the taste, brush your teeth with our Nature’s Gift Sweet Water Baking Soda Toothpaste. There’s a reason why I named it Sweet Water – after you brush your teeth with it, water tastes very sweet and the baking soda and DE in the water will be far more palatable than without the Baking Soda Toothpaste. Remember alkalizing your body is important to get your life back from Morgellons Syndrome

Be creative and also add a serving of Collagen to help rebuild your skin. Go one step further and instead of using water, make Cistus tea or any of our teas we have in the store. Cistus is the best of all teas health wise. Sweeten with our quality Stevia.  Another alternative instead of tea, is our Dutched Organic Cocoa. Cocoa is a twofold winner in that it is also a super prebiotic (Why Probiotics are not the answer to Morgellons and Prebiotics Are 4/19/2020) and an incredible free radical killer – read Beat Morgellons with Chocolate (cocoa)? 11/14/2020.

But the message is clear. The first place to start is with the gut. Until the gut biome is healthy, it’s unlikely your kidneys, liver, brain, skin and so on are going to improve.

Next is to take several steps pretty much at the same time. Note, I hope you are already on one of our Pack of Life supplements.
Pack of Life with MaxOne or the patch
Pack of Life with NAC
f either pack is unaffordable right now, focus on obtaining the following:
 Agro Relief digestive enzymes
► Our Gut Restore Herbal Formula
Author: Richard Kuhns, author of “Get Your Life Back from Morgellons and Other Skin Parasites.”


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