Cleaning Morgellons Non Healing Lesions

morgellons non healing lesions, non healing lesions, unsightly Morgellons lesions,

Description: Techniques to clean away Morgellons non healing lesions


The Key to Clean Away Morgellons Non Healing Lesions
Non healing lesions are probably experienced by 50% or more of those who are dealing with Morgellons.
Morgellons is an isolating disease and having unsightly skin lesions is one of the reasons why it is isolating. The non-healing lesions can appear on your face, neck, scalp, arms, legs and so on. Who wants to go out in public with non healing unsightly lesions in full view? It’s totally embarrassing.
But, you can clean them out of your skin within a week to ten days and here’s how:
First, the King Diet is a must for as long as you eat the foods that the parasites prefer, you are a “walking, talking parasite breeding machine.”  So, it’s super important to make the diet work for you. When the diet “Kicks in,” you’ll not only get your first night of quality sleep but you’ll notice an incredible reductions of itching and biting of your skin.

A few years ago, the lesion on the left formed within hours. I wanted to clean the lesion and stop it in its tracks. I began applying a special diluted concentration of Nature’s Gift® liquid along with our Beauty Forever Exfoliant cream massaging it into the lesion. I did this every few hours in the beginning and then to about four times a day and within 7 days it was completely healed, and no more formed – lesions be gone!

Other options to clear up lesions (in conjuction with the king Diet)

Deep Wound Cleanse Kit has been a most popular item for years.
There are several alternatives, so you get to choose, and they all work.

Secondly, there’s our Nano Glutathione – just put a drop or two into or on the lesion. If you have lots of lesions, you’ll be applying several drops and massaging it around them. It’s a more expensive approach, but if you’re already using it to boost glutathione, then you already have it.

Next is to use Garcillin. Take some of it out of a capsule and make a paste with a drop or so of diluted Nature’s Gift and massage that into or on the lesions. So, if you’re already using Garcillin, and I hope you are, you already have the solution to cleaning up lesions.

How about our NG colloidal silver? Why not? Apply a few drops to the lesions or massage it in. Colloidal silver works great for cleaning your eyes too.

Let’s not forget our NG Mouth wash/body wipe.  Apply a few drops and massage it in. Again, I hope you’re already using it to clean your mouth so it’s right there waiting for you to apply to clean away those lesions.

Here’s an incredible alternative: NG Chitosanase Enzyme Formula Read the blog post to see how its used to clean up lesions. 

An old stand by many have used is to simply apply one drop of NG concentrate right onto the lesion/s. It may sting a bit. In fact, most of these approaches will probably sting a bit.



Other options to clear up lesions (in conjuction with the king Diet)

Deep Wound Cleanse Kit has been a most popular item for years.
There are several alternatives, so you get to choose, and they all work.

Secondly, there’s our Nano Glutathione – just put a drop or two into or on the lesion. If you have lots of lesions, you’ll be applying several drops and massaging it around them. It’s a more expensive approach, but if you’re already using it to boost glutathione, then you already have it.

Next is to use Garcillin. Take some of it out of a capsule and make a paste with a drop or so of diluted Nature’s Gift and massage that into or on the lesions. So, if you’re already using Garcillin, and I hope you are, you already have the solution to cleaning up lesions.

How about our NG colloidal silver? Why not? Apply a few drops to the lesions or massage it in. Colloidal silver works great for cleaning your eyes too.

Let’s not forget our NG Mouth wash/body wipe.  Apply a few drops and massage it in. Again, I hope you’re already using it to clean your mouth so it’s right there waiting for you to apply to clean away those lesions.

Here’s an incredible alternative: NG Chitosanase Enzyme Formula Read the blog post to see how its used to clean up lesions. 

An old stand by many have used is to simply apply one drop of NG concentrate right onto the lesion/s. It may sting a bit. In fact, most of these approaches will probably sting a bit.

Take a band aid and a small piece of a paper towel. Fold the paper towel to fit over the pad of the band aide and position the band aide over the lesion. Next take a dropper and load a couple ml of any of the following to wet the pad of paper towel:
► ionic minerals. Put two ounces of quality water in a cup and add one sachet of Chasing Miracles Hydration packs
► Mouthwash/body wipe. Wet the pad with Mouthwash/body wipe
► Colloidal Silver. We the pad with colloidal silver.

Note: With all approaches, frequency is key. Apply hour or two in the beginning and then taper down to every several hours. Of course during the night you may only get up once or twice to apply.

Lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the medical approach which is most often used for unsightly facial lesions – Rifampin at 300 mg daily for ten days.

What does all this mean? You no longer need be hindered by unsightly or uncomfortable lesions. Choose any of the above or get creative and use several of them together, the answer to non healing lesions is now in your hands. 


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