May 15, 2024

How Leaky Gut Affects Morgellons and What to Do About It!

Let me start out by saying, “Gut biome often determines the health of the individual.”  “All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates – smart man, many doctors today still don’t realize this.  Gut biome is made up of thousands of strains of good and bad bacteria living in balance. The Mayo Clinic states, “Our gastrointestinal […]

How Leaky Gut Affects Morgellons and What to Do About It! Read More »

Intestinal Parasites Can Become Life Threatening with Morgellons Disease 5/16/2024

Intestinal parasites – pin worms, round worms, flat worms, hook worms, and so on also known as nematodes and also known as helmiths often live in our bodies and are dormant. Then along comes Morgellons and all hell breaks loose.  Sometime ago, I happened upon this video, by Dr. Holly Lucile ND, and had to

Intestinal Parasites Can Become Life Threatening with Morgellons Disease 5/16/2024 Read More »

Cocktail of Essential Oils for Morgellons and Lyme Disease

Description: Blends of Essential Oils as Powerful as Antibiotics to Deal with Lyme Disease and Morgellons SyndromeMorgellons CocktailNo, its not an alcoholic drink, but it’s powerful. Essential oils from garlic and other herbs kill ‘persister’ Lyme disease bacteria” released Dec 3, 2018 by Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. It says, “The Bloomberg School

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