Dealing with Deworming Pets and Morgellons Disease
Deworming pets is important to get your life back from Morgellons Disease
Dealing with Deworming Pets and Morgellons Disease
I was speaking with Carla a few days ago and she shared that she wasn’t making any headway with getting rid of worms even though she’s been taking fen ben and likewise worming her three dogs for months. We deal with nematodes because they complicate getting your life back from Morgellons in both pets and humans. 

First I asked about the dogs bathroom habits. She lets them out into her fenced yard where they do their business. 

But she doesn’t always pick up the poop – especially when its raining and hasn’t disinfected the yard. 

So, no matter how much fen ben or deworming she does, she will never get rid of worms until she breaks the cycle of getting reinfected. 

Since the yard is not disinfected, the dogs pick up the larvae on their paws and nose when they sniff and bring them right back into the house. Every time the dog’s paws touched her, she became reinfected which is only going to complicate Morgellons disease. 

The answer is very basic:
1. Apply lime to the yard and wet it to disinfect the grass and ground. 
2. Pick up all the poo and apply lime to the area.
3. Continue with deworming like you are starting over.
4 Disinfect bedding and apply Diatomaceous earth to bedding fur.
5. Make sure they are on food compatible with the King Diet. 
6. Read the end of Chapter III in my book, How to Get Your Life Back from Morgellons, and Other Skin Parasites.



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