How to disinfect laundry of Morgellons
How to disinfect your laundry of Morgellons, cloth mites, and other parasites ?


Get Morgellons out of Your Laundry!

Most medical professionals know little about Morgellons disease. One of the foremost medical experts, Dr. Savely, as well as the Morgellons foundation are working to legitimize the disease. In the meantime, the CDC, Mayo Clinic , and others are OK with sufferers being diagnosed as delusional. 


What I’ve come to discover about Morgellons disease is very different than what Dr. Savely and the Morgellons Foundation claim. For instance, they claim Morgellons is not contagious, my experience says it is–see How Contagious is Morgellons . Dr. Savely claims disinfection is unnecessary. My experience says disinfection is important. They claim organisms such as Collembola and mites are not a factor, my experiences says they both can be factors. They claim Morgellons is associated largely with Lyme Disease. My experience says Morgellons can be associated with many different co factors such as mites, Collembola, Strongyloides, intestinal parasites, fungal issues and so on. 

Bottom line is that it seems like the Morgellons Foundation and I am on two different planets. As I claim that the Morgellons Diet, aka King Diet is necessary, strict, and detailed, they only recommend healthy eating. Where I state that disinfecting the environment and that laundry is imperative, Dr Savely states its “snake oil sales,” My experience finds that there are three basic goals to accomplish and that they all need to be done at the same time.

First, the strict Morgellons, aka King Diet is necessary. Without making it work, you simply continue being a walking, talking, breeding machine of Morgellons and other skin parasites.

Secondly it’s super important is to disinfect your surroundings: automobile, furniture, floors, bedding, closes, clothing, laundry, and sometimes walls and ceilings. And lets not forget outside balconies, yards, walkways, and so on. 

Thirdly it’s important to clean your skin – deep clean your skin. Get the organisms out of your skin. This is where our  Nature’s Gift debriding soap shines

This update is about disinfecting your laundry. For me, it was easy. I simply laundered my clothes with ammonia and then, if I wore them a second time, I inverted them and either dusted with diatomaceous earth or sprayed them with ammonia and then turning right side out. 

But, as I communicated with thousands of other sufferers I found that laundry can be a true challenge and for some a night mare. It has been a long process to develop our newest procedure. 

I credit this process to my Sunday Cohost, Robin. 
1. She pours about 1/2″ of ammonia into a tote about 18″ by 24″. Then she puts empty plastic egg cartons on top of the ammonia and then puts the clothes into the tote and closes the tote with it’s cover. Note that the egg carton is simply to separate the liquid ammonia from the clothes. It’s the vapors that do the disinfecting. 
2. After a couple hours she removes the clothes from the tote and places them in the washing machine. For some, it may be necessary to keep the clothes in the tote for up to 24 hrs or longer.
3. She washes the clothes with our NG Laundry soap and Cedarside PCO in hot water. Some use borax, or MMS (miracle mineral supplement), and so on. 
4. She then rewashes the laundry with only Nature’s Gift Clean-Em-Up Zymes – warm water not hot. Enzymes are living organism so you do not use any disinfectants with them nor do you use extremely hot water.

  1. Place the laundry from the washing machine into the dryer. Add 1/3 to 1/2 cup of ammonia to an absorbent article such as a towel. Ammonia generally does not discolor clothing but best to add to a white towel instead of a colored one. You can also add about 5 droppers of peppermint oil to your 1/2 gallon of ammonia before adding to the dryer. 
    6. Dry on hot for an hour or so to kill any Morgellons or other parasites that have survived to this point. 
    7. Use disinfected gloves to remove the laundry from the dryer and place the dry clothes into large zipper lock bags with menthol crystals. Put the menthol crystals into a small cloth bag such as often used for wedding favors.
    8. Keep laundry in the closed bags until you are ready to use them.
    Note: Not everyone needs to go to this extreme. It’s up to you to figure out how much of the procedure you need. But make sure your dryer is disinfected. 

    What about dryer sheets? It’s up to you. Many report that dryer sheets are helpful in killing organisms, however dryer sheets also have chemicals which can be dangerous to your skin.

    What about cotton vs synthetics? In the early part of this century, many thought cotton from China was infected with Morgellons fibers and warned against cotton. I guess you could call that a conspiracy theory like some claimed that during Covid that the swabs used in your nose were infected with Morgellons. In other words, cotton hasn’t been an issue for years that I’m aware of and has never been an issue for me and no one has reported an issue with cotton that I remember. 

    What about Cloth Parasites? Robin, my co-host was also dealing with cloth parasites. Cloth parasites live in your closets and drawers where you store your clothes and bedding. They eat round holes into fabric. Obviously, it’s important to remove all articles of clothing, bedding and so on from closets and drawers and launder them per above instructions. Then disinfect the closets and drawers using ammonia, Clean-em-up Zymes, Mediclean, Benefect, or whatever works. Sometimes you need to up the game and use the electrostatic sprayer to apply the enzymes, Mediclean Germicidal Cleaner, or Benefect Botanical Disinfectant. And you need to do this for a minimum of 21 days straight. And, if there’s a reinfection during that time, you need to do it for another 21 days. 

    So, it may be a long long time before you are using your closets and drawers without your clothing and bedding stored in zip lock bags. 







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