Are Prescription Antibiotics the Answer to Getting Rid of Morgellons Disease? Part I
Are Prescription Antibiotics the Answer to Getting Rid of Morgellons Disease?

Because the physicians associated with the Charles Holiman Association find a connection with Lyme disease and Morgellons, they treat Morgellons as Lyme disease.  Medically, Lyme Disease is confusing. Since its a bacterium you would think that the preferred treatment using doxycycline would be the answer. Unfortunately, Lyme disease isn’t often caught until  after it has migrated into organs, joints, and musculature. And it gets complicated because after using prescription antibiotics for 6 months or longer, continued use of prescription antibiotics can become harmful. 

This is explained in my free report, “Lyme Disease Doesn’t Have to Own You Anymore” plus a press release referring  a Canadian study, CDC Shares Risk Associated with Long Term Antibiotic Therapy for Chronic Lyme Disease that states, “Long-term antibiotics or other alternative treatments for Lyme disease can be dangerous and have not been shown to lead to substantial long-term improvement in patient outcomes.”

As previously stated Morgellons Disease is linked to Lyme disease in  that the spirochetes have been found in 90% of Morgellons’ sufferers. However, the results of treating both Lyme and Morgellons with prescription antibiotics yield mixed, if not poor results. 

The pilot study listed on Charles E Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation website used 12 patients with Lyme disease (3 of them with Morgellons) titled “Persistent Borrelia Infection in Patients with Ongoing Symptoms of Lyme Disease,” reports that once antibiotic treatment was ceased only one out of twelve had lasting symptom relief. This is not good. The study was conducted by Marianne J. MiddelveenEva SapiJennie BurkeKatherine R. Filush , Agustin FrancoMelissa C. Fesler , and Raphael B. Stricker.

You would think there’s a better way to treat Lyme disease. In fact back in the 30’s,Dr. Rife was pioneering the use of frequencies to cure disease. Around that time Penicillin was discovered. Unfortunately politics of the AMA chose antibiotics over Rifing – the magic pill. Thus, Rifing was dropped from consideration. Our destinies were set at that time with no more consideration than the flip of a coin – the whim of the head of the AMA at that time. Sad indeed – no studies or evaluations just a political decision. Of course Rifing can contribute to detox reactions. The sad news is that with antibiotics, you not only get detox reactions, but a whole mess of side effects such as destruction of gut biome and more disastrous results as explained in a post in, Antibiotics, Their Side Effects, and How to Avoid Them. This report explains that antibiotics are not a summer picnic but contribute to many other health problems and can be instrumental in breeding super bugs and destroy epithelial cells. “The first long-term effect of one round of antibiotic use is the killing of epithelial cells. ‘Epithelial cells” are the cells used to build our skin, and they’re also the building blocks for our gut. Epithelial cells are responsible for dictating what goes in and out of the body, and what shouldn’t be let in at all.'” 

Did you read that? This insult to injury! Yes, they treating Morgellons Syndrome with antibiotics that can destroy your skin. Does that make sense when Morgellons is already destroying layers and layers of your skin all by itself? But that’s not all, epithelial cells are also found in your gut. More insult to injury. 

And, “Another issue that antibiotics can cause, even after just one use, is the damaging of mitochondria in the body. Mitochondria are a type of organelle found within each cell, and they’re responsible for energy production for the whole body.” 

Both of these warnings were news to me. But, they should be on the mind of every physician before prescribing antibiotics aka “killbioticsTM.” Holy crap, do you know that mitochondria are your life force with one hundred to six hundred thousand of them in every cell of your body? 

Every responsible physician should be having their patients boosting glutathione when prescribing antibiotics. This is where our MaxOne and  Y-Age patches really become important. MaxOne is D-Ribose and L-Cysteine bonded together to get past the digestive system and into the cellular structure. D-Ribose just happens to be the fuel of the mitochondria. So, if antibiotics are a must, D-Ribose strengthens the mitochondria from damage by antibiotics. You can even get supplemental D-Ribose in powder form, but I’m uncertain as to how much gets past the stomach and into the cells. But, there’s more – the L-cysteine combines with glutamic acid and glycine to produce glutathione. Glutathione has many functions such as modulating the mitochondria and preventing free radical damage – oxidative stress – as reported in “Bactericidal Antibiotics Induce Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Damage in Mammalian Cells.”

The Y-Age Patch doesn’t contain D-Ribose, but does significantly boost glutathione by levels of 500 percent compared to MaxOne that boosts glutathione by 270% and the patch can be applied to the part of the body where it’s needed the most. For instance, if your knee aches, apply the patch right on your knee. 

I will never understand why few if any medical experts recommend boosting glutathione and their lack of basic information regarding the importance of of glutathione. If you go to pubmed: there are 50,000 studies about the importance of vitamin C, but there are 80,000 studies about the importance of glutathione in reducing oxidative stress, yet few physicians know what glutathione is much less it’s importance, and all of them know the importance of vitamin C.  Interesting fact: glutathione recycles vitamin C meaning you really need only about 300 mg of Vitamin C which is included in MaxOne formulation and 150 mg in our multivitamin/mineral.

Please understand. I am not claiming that antibiotics should not be used for dealing with Lyme disease. In fact my recommendation is a specific antibiotic that will not contribute to breeding super bugs and is also friendly to your gut biome, will not harm mitochondria or destroy epithelial cells- more later in the next update.

The author of “Antibiotics, Their Side Effects, and How to Avoid Them.” claims the effects of antibiotics can be countered with probiotics with a specific ingredient – bacillus clausii. The problem is that for most of us, probiotics feed Spring Tails (Collembola), and are not on the Morgellons aka King diet. Instead, we go one step beyond probiotics and use prebiotics. Here’s a great recipe for the Best Stage I Salad containing prebiotic super foods.

Here are two must read blog posts:
Why Probiotics are Not the Answer to Morgellons and Prebiotics Are 4/19/2020
Onions are a Super Food 4/27/2021

So, if you remove prescription antibiotics for both Morgellons aka Lyme disease or simply Lyme disease? What’s other option do we have? Answer: See Part II of this report coming out in the next day or so.




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