Detoxing With Morgellons Disease Can be a Bitch
Detoxing With Morgellons Disease Can be a Bitch


Detox Reactions can be serious and most likely will happen
one or more times while you improve.  Around 2012, Lyme
disease crippled me to the point I had difficulty walking, could
barely write my name, had 24/7 extreme pain and inflammation – particularly in my knees. By boosting glutathione my symptoms dramatically diminished over a couple months to the point I was 90% symptom free. During
that time I had no detox reactions. 

Then, around 2016 I learned of Garcillin
capsule. Immediately my knee inflamed 100% and the pain was again excruciating.  

At first, I had no idea what the inflammation and pain was about. My first thought was to blame the Garcillin thinking it made things worse. 

Then, I came to realize that it was detox and that my lymphatics under my knee were blocked. 

I did’nt take any more Garcillin but I did order a massage pillow to place under my knees.Within two weeks the inflammation and pain went away and I
continued to take Garcillin. By continuing to boost glutathione
and taking Garcillin, my Lyme symptoms gradually diminished
to the point that 99.5% of all symptoms were gone and have stayed away since then. 

Detox reactions can be threaten your life in extreme situations. I had heard of detox reactions but having improved
90% with Glutathione, I did not expect any further detox – my
mistake. But then, back then I would not have known what to do to minimize detox anyway. 

What Causes Detox?
Detox reactions are caused by die off of parasites, fungal
organisms, bacterial or even viral or a release of toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, drugs, and so on. When they are
killed or released, they become excess waste and overtax the body’s ability to excrete them. Ultimately, the liver gets the brunt.

What are detox reactions? According to Science Direct,
Detoxification, “symptoms that may be attributed to a
detoxification problem which the body often include the
following: 1,6,7
•Fatigue with sleep disruption and brain-fog
•Mood disturbance, especially depression, anxiety, fear, and
•Muscle aches and joint pain
•Sinus congestion, dark circles under the eyes, and postnasal
•Headaches with neck and shoulder pain
•Bloating and flatulence
•Irritable bowel, foul-smelling stools, and dark urine
•Weight changes and loss of muscle tone
•Heartburn, recurrent colds, and persistent infections
•Infertility and low libido
•Premature aging and weakness
•Fluid retention and excess weight
•Rashes and canker sores

•Bad breath and adverse body odor”

Somehow the writer of the article missed inflammation. And
one lady wrote that after she started taking lufenuron, her face
started breaking out with little pimples. Fortunately, she did’nt
stop and after about a month the pimples all disappeared as
they were a detox reaction.  
Remember that brain-fog, rashes, anxiety, fear, and even anger
are typically experienced with almost everyone dealing with
Morgellons which means it can be a challenge to figure out if you’re having a detox reaction. However, these symptoms are
normal with Morgellons but would be multiplied several fold during detox.
What happens to cause this? According to Digestive Enzymes
and Detoxification, “The vast majority of these toxicants all
have the ability to poison the mitochondria in your cells, which
can lead to fatigue, obesity, diabetes, and other chronic
problems”. And goes on to say, ” Your digestive system is the
main place where your battle with toxins and toxicants takes place. The intestines are faced with myriad toxic compounds
and nutrients and must try to limit the absorption of toxic
compounds, while still encouraging absorption of nutritional

The toxicants are all mitochondrial poisons, which limit your ability to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cellular currency that powers the body. The production of digestive
enzymes takes a huge amount of energy, and in toxic bodies there is often insufficient digestive enzyme production”
This is fascinating:

D-Ribose is the fuel source for the
mitochondria. Some describe the mitochondria as the
“furnaces” of the cell. Live Science describes them.  What are
Mitochondria. Just as an oil furnace needs fuel oil to burn to create heat, the mitochondria need D-Ribose to live and
function. According to Wikipedia, each cell doesn’t have a few
of them, but each cell contains one to two thousand
mitochondria. Providing plenty fuel for the mitochondria is an
important step to contribute to the health of the mitochondria. 

There are two means of protecting the mitochondria from
being affected by the detox:
1. Glutathione:
Glutathione protects and modulates the mitochondria by
keeping them from premature aging. The Y-Age Glutathione
patch increases glutathione levels and protects the
2. Digestive Enzymes
” Taking digestive enzymes can help reverse this cycle and has
the potential to relieve the body’s need to use its vital ATP for digestion, allowing it to possibly be better served in other

systems. Digestive enzymes are also vital for the proper breakdown of proteins into their component amino acids “

” Many of the liver systems for phase two biotransformation —
often referred to as “detoxification” — utilize amino acids as
the carrier molecules to move toxicants out of the body.
Without these amino acids, the entire system backs up “

3. Amino Acids
It's important to have sufficient amino acids available to move
toxicants out of the liver which is why we have Nature Gift™
Complete Amino Acids Formula.

Our detox package consists of our Agro Relief Digestive
Enzymes plus our NG Complete Amino Acid formula. 

4. Diet 
It’s very important to keep out wheat, sugar and foods containing sugar, gluten, and so on out of your diet and the
Morgellons aka King Diet does exactly that and keeps this stuff from overloading your digestive system. 

5. Hydration
Lastly, it’s important to drink lots of water to move toxicity out
of the body and get the elimination process working. Use our
NG Sweet Water Baking Soda Toothpaste to make water so sweet you can’t stop drinking it. Add in our Hydration packs to
your water for many more health benefits. 

6. Relieve Constipation 
If constipation is an issue, read blog post, Relieving
Constipation in Fighting Morgellons Disease 6/21/22 

What Supplements or meds in my protocol might contribute
to die-off?
1. Lufenuron 
2. Fen Ben
3. Nitenpyram
4. Y-age Glutathione Patch
5. Garcillin
6. Chitosanse Enzymes
7. Calcium Deyclex
Note that boosting glutathione can contribute to detox by
clearing out toxins, but it can also help with detox by protecting
modulating the mitochondria. 

Zeolite alternative. 
An alternative to our Detox package noted above is Zeolite.
Zeolite contains aluminum, however, the aluminum in zeolite is
not reactive and safe. 
 Are All Zeolites Really Toxic? points out that ” the minerals in
zeolite include alumina (an oxide of RNA ACZ Nano Advanced
Cellular Zeolite Extra Strength for $58 for a 4 oz bottle.

Simply note that if you already have digestive issues, zeolite will
do nothing to help digestion, however our detox package will
which may make a more sense to go that route rather than




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