How Leaky Gut Affects Morgellons and What to Do About It!

Let me start out by saying, “Gut biome often determines the health of the individual.” 

“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates – smart man, many doctors today still don’t realize this. 

Gut biome is made up of thousands of strains of good and bad bacteria living in balance. The Mayo Clinic states, “Our gastrointestinal tracts are made up of trillions of microorganisms which comprise our gut microbiome. These microorganisms can be generally classified as healthy or unhealthy. Gut health can be defined by normal composition of the microbiome, adequate digestion and absorption of food, the absence of gut illnesses, and an effective immune status. Emerging research is helping the medical world understand more about the gut microbiome, securing that we can alter our microbiomes by what we eat.”

Screwed up gut biome messes up your digestion and gives rise to over population of yeast (Candida Albicans) in the gut.  But this is only the beginning of the hell to come if this is ignored.

Your intestinal walls, gut lining of mucosa, weaken allowing the contents of your intestines to seep into your blood stream. This is known as leaky gut syndrome which physicians tend to ignore.

This means anything in your intestines:
► fecal matter
► intestinal parasites – worms.
► Candida Albicans and other fungi
► Unhealthy bacteria
can leak into your blood stream and be carried to every organ, joint, and cell in your body where they can harm and eventually destroy you from within.

► Worms get into your joints and under your skin causing inflammation and joint pain. Read “Intestinal Parasites Complicate Morgellons,” 3/27/22 and more importantly,
Intestinal Parasites Could Mean Parasites Everywhere 4/10/23

► Candida gets into any organ, including your brain, where it’s converted to a more dangerous fungi – a hydra – tentacle – fungus. Read blog post, “Candida Albicans and Morgellons Can Be Dangerous” 1/29/2023.

► Fecal matter in your blood stream is toxic.

► Unhealthy bacteria can contribute to a host of bacterial infections throughout your body.

Basically, you are not only a walking talking Morgellons parasite shedding breeding machine but a leaky sieve to boot.

How do you fix this and recover?
1. Fix your diet and the King Diet does that.
2. Focus on prebiotic foods such as leeks, onions, cocoa, dandelion greens, dark chocolate, and so on that are compatible with the King Diet. Read, “Why Probiotics are not the Answer to Morgellons and Prebiotics Are,” 4/19/2020
3. Strengthen your intestinal wall – feed your mucosa and make them strong and healthy again.
4. Rebuild your gut biome.

The good news is that Get Your Life Back has you covered. #1 and #2 are about the Morgellons aka King Diet
#3 and #4 are utilizing our Nature’s Gift® Herbal Gut Restore Formula.

But how do you know if you have leaky gut?
It’s usually difficult to tell if you have leaky gut syndrome until you realize that not only do you have bloating and digestive issues, but your entire body seems to be falling apart with joint pains, inflammation under the skin, and trouble with various organs. 

After are on the diet and using the Herbal Gut Restore Formula, you have two options to deal with fungal issues such as Candida:
► Our anti fungal package if your eating habits have been bad or you are overweight which may mean an overgrowth of Candida
► Adding lufenuron to inhibit growth of fungal organisms.

Check out the ingredients. L-glutamine, N acetyl D glucosmine, Magnesium from magnesium Beta-hydroxybuterate, Grape seed extract, Cinnamon bark powder, Cloves, Black pepper (piper nigrum) fruit powder, Grapefruit seed extract, Marshmellow root powder, Pepzin, Berberine, Triphala, and Slippery Elm 

L-glutamine is a natural high quality sugar that feeds the mucosa to strengthen them and close the gaps through which toxins, wormy parasites, candida and so on are leaked into the blood stream 
Nature’s Gift® Herbal Gut Restore Formula –
a powerful blend of herbs and supplements to repair the gut and build gut biomeInstructions: Take one capsule 30 to 60  minutes before your first meal of the day.
For the first week
Take one additional capsule 30 to 60 minutes before going to bed at night.
After the first week, go to 2 capsules 30 to 60 minutes before going to bed at night.

Click here to order or call in to 732-531-1178 to save 10% on the price listed in the store.

But the message is clear. The first place to start is with the gut. Until the gut biome is healthy, it’s unlikely your kidneys, liver, brain, skin and so on are going to improve.

Next is to take several steps pretty much at the same time. Note, I hope you are already on one of our Pack of Life supplements.
Pack of Life with MaxOne or the patch
Pack of Life with NAC
f either pack is unaffordable right now, focus on obtaining the following:
 Agro Relief digestive enzymes
► Our Gut Restore Herbal Formula
Author: Richard Kuhns, author of “Get Your Life Back from Morgellons and Other Skin Parasites.”


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